Local MP Simone McGurk (front) attended Hilton Park Bowling Club with WA Premier Mark McGowan (rear right) to announce the funding. Picture: Facebook

The WA Government has awarded almost $1m in the latest round of its Club Night Lights Program and the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund to improve sporting club facilities throughout the state.

Nine projects will receive $335,847 to install sport floodlighting infrastructure which will allow facilities to be used for longer periods. Club venues to benefit from The Night Lights funding include Higgins Park Tennis Club and Bunbury Central Croquet Club.

Meanwhile, nine other projects will receive $614,757 for community sporting facilities with three of those in the metropolitan region and the rest scattered across regional WA.

Venues to benefit include a combined $80,000 for Leeming Spartan Cricket Club and South Perth Cricket Club for new practice nets, Hilton Park Bowling Club awarded $84,852 to convert a grass bowling green to synthetic and North Albany Football and Sporting Club awarded $83,794 for a changeroom refurbishment.

“Having quality facilities encourages more people to get involved in sport and recreation,” said WA’s Acting Sport and Recreation Minister, Bill Johnston. “Those participants are also helping create a strong and positive local community by getting involved in their local club.

“It is great to see clubs and local governments taking up the opportunity to apply for funding for lighting upgrades through the Club Night Lights Program.

“This McGowan Government election commitment provides a wonderful way to make the most of local sporting facilities and allows more people to play sport at night and in some parts of WA, during cooler hours.”

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