Clubs that are exclusive TAB venues and also members of Clubs Queensland will now receive a full rebate on their Sky Racing Subscription Fees. CQ CEO Craig Harley said the new deal with Tabcorp was negotiated to support the Queensland club industry and was “another incredible benefit for our members”. 

Apart from the rebate, those benefits include the payment of digital commissions from the TAB App’s exclusive Venue Mode going to a punter’s local club.

“Tabcorp’s entire wagering offer for clubs is, simply put, market-leading,” Harley said. “TAB is the exclusive market leader for Queensland clubs and to now have fully rebated Sky Racing subscription fees, clearly sets a new standard.

“TAB also has a market-leading product in its new TAB App and what’s great for our industry is the benefits that come from TAB’s exclusive Venue Mode, facilitating the payment of digital commissions to a punter’s local club.

“CQ is incredibly thrilled to continue its strong partnership with Tabcorp to facilitate these types of offers for our members,” he said.

Sky Racing subscription fees for Wagering Venues are usually calculated by adding together the Entertainment Access Fees and the Wagering Turnover component.  Tabcorp CEO Adam Rytenskild said that this was an exciting step forward for TAB and venue partners.

“We are committed to continuing to innovate, with a pipeline of new digital products coming soon,” Rytenskild said. “Our new App was recently released with a 16% increase in active customers compared to the 6 weeks prior to release.

“We’re looking forward to working even closer with clubs in Queensland to grow their businesses.”

Over the coming weeks, CQ and Tabcorp will be in touch with CQ members regarding the terms of the rebate.

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