Coledale RSL Club will sell six machines to reopen. Picture: Facebook

Coledale RSL Club members have voted in favour of selling off half their 12 EGMs to finance the reopening of the club. A motion was put to members at an Extraordinary General Meeting on February 25 that would allow the board to immediately sell a minimum of six poker machine allocations to provide funding to re-open the club.

“We are pleased to announce that the motion to sell poker machines to fund the reopening of the Club has been passed unanimously,” the club said.

The motion also allowed the board to sell a further three EGM allocations, if required, for ongoing operations.

The venue, on Lawrence Hargrave Drive north of Wollongong, will reopen on 6 April in time for Easter and the school holidays. 

“Lots of hard work ahead to reopen, but it’s going to be worth it,” the club said. 

The Board has also extended all memberships by one year.

The club announced late last year that last drinks were to be served on 11 December, despite a valiant attempt to keep the NSW coastal venue open, after failed merger talks and a Go Fund Me campaign that raised almost $6000 for the struggling venue – which has been returned to donors.

In a letter headed “Cessation of Trade”, Club secretary and director Warrick Try announced news of the closure.

The venue officially opened on 31 July, 1948 as the Soldiers’ Memorial Club after being formed in 1944 with 18 members, each contributing £10 towards £2000 build costs. The hall was constructed from an army hut brought from Lismore. 

Coledale RSL Club members at the Extraordinary General Meeting voted in favour of selling 6 EGMs to keep the venue open.

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