Chef Michelle Powell.

The push to create new revenue streams should apply to commercial kitchens in clubs, say the operators of a new concept-to-consumer workshop.

Straight to the Source, which already offers farm tours to chefs connecting kitchens to producers, is offering a new course to teach clubs how to commercialise favourite in-house products.

With many clubs pivoting their menus to delivery during Covid, that created an opportunity to look at alternative revenue streams coming out of the kitchen.  

Straight to the Source’s Lucy Allon and Tawnya Bahr are now offering an essential course that will help develop a food-safe product range presented.

While there are a few steps between having a food product idea and creating a viable product, the course has been created with chefs in mind.

“As a professional chef transferring my skills from restaurants to food retail, there was a lot to learn, and mistakes can be expensive,” says chef Michelle Powell of Naturally Sauced, which stocks a range of sauces dressings and a cafe de Paris butter developed with the help of the program. 

Covering everything from food safety hazards to packaging considerations, the Concept to Consumer program helps chefs create small-batch, large-scale or co-manufactured products for scale and commercial sale.

“We know how hard it is to navigate the complex process of creating a food-safe product for retail sale, so we have designed this program to make it as easy as possible by creating a modular course that is accessible and flexible to everyone, whatever stage of the product development process their idea or product is at, and whatever scale they’d like to achieve,” Tawnya and Lucy says. 

 The program has been developed with assistance from Quantal Science and is sponsored by UNOX Australia.

“We see great value in the idea as there are many quality people who have great ideas, but not sure how to go about developing their ideas to a market-ready point. Through Straight To The Source and Quantal Bioscience, these ideas can be realised with real support and science behind activation,”  says UNOX Australia Managing Director Wayne Viles.

Quantal Bioscience’s scientists combined 150-plus years of experience have helped create foods that are safe to eat and meet shelf-life needs. 

“We’re passionate about sharing our experience with producers, chefs and manufacturers of all sizes, at all stages of their journey from Concept to Consumer,” says Belinda Chapman of Quantal Bioscience.

Straight to the Source’s Lucy Allon and Tawnya Bahr will be contributing a regular column to the Club Management newsletter.

Lucy Allon and Tawnya Bahr on one of their produce tours.

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