Loyalty Programs are one of the best ways to set yourself apart from the crowd and generate higher revenues. Australian consumers love reward points, and loyalty apps make it much easier for members to earn, track and redeem their points. Customers love quick sign-ups and easy to use apps so they can start collecting points right away.

Research shows that customers want to get out of their houses to have new experiences and build social connections. Providing your guests with what they want is the best way to build loyalty and repeat sales. To ensure your members are satisfied, it is important to keep the conversation going.

But it is not just an app that will keep your customers engaged, customers want information, they want communication at every step of the way. Advertising events in the app, rewarding drink vouchers, letting them redeem points online, enabling them to leave reviews and making changes based on feedback are just a few ways to build customer loyalty.

While it is imperative to provide information and awareness to your customer, it is also important to listen to what they have to say. MyPlace offers surveys to communicate with your customers, so you are always up to date on changing customer preferences.

Our goal is to keep our customers happy, and happy customers mean happy recommendations!

Be it customer-facing apps, QR ordering systems, or Kitchen Display systems, technology is not just for efficiency of operations. Innovative technology is also a way to build active communication channels with your guests.

Customer Engagement and Loyalty is not just about an additional element of customer experience, but it is a means to grow your hospitality business and customer base.

Customer Engagement is a two-way street and you’re an integral part of their community helping them build social connections. Together as a community, we can build so much.