Flood waters inundated towns in the Central West of NSW, including Forbes. Picture: Brenton Yorath

Orange Ex-Services’ Club has called on club suppliers and managers to make cash donations which will be used to purchase vouchers for those who need urgent assistance in flood-devastated towns in NSW’s Central West.

Over the past week, Orange Ex-Services’ Club (OESC) has hosted a number of Eugowra residents and various organisations who provided evacuees with shelter, food and accommodation. The OESC said one of the major needs of affected residents was EFTPOS vouchers/gift cards for retailers such as Woolworths, Coles, Kmart, Big W and Harvey Norman as many flood victims had been left with nothing.

With the assistance of Jenny White, CEO of White Now, OESC launched a donation hub for the club industry to pledge and donate cash towards the purchase of the vouchers.

The response was “unbelievable and exceeded our expectations” club CEO Nathan Whiteside said. “We are so proud of our Club community in what has been raised from clubs and industry bodies in NSW, Victoria and Queensland.”

OESC will purchase the vouchers on a club’s behalf and invoice donors for the amount owed. Clubs can choose to donate either:

  • 5 x $50 Vouchers ($250)
  • 10 x $50 Vouchers ($500)
  • Or any other amount the club or manager is comfortable with.

“We got to meet some incredibly strong individuals who, when they arrived at OESC, had nothing but the wet clothes on their backs,” the club posted Facebook. “Any donation, small or large, counts towards making a difference in these victims’ lives as they rebuild their community.”

Click here to donate online or phone Orange Ex-Services on (02) 6362 2666.

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