Former Bankstown Sports CEO Mark Condi, who shocked the club industry with his resignation from the role a day after last year’s AGE at Sydney ICC, has announced he will be joining Justing Hemmes’ Merivale hospitality group as Group General Manager – Commercial.
As he did with his resignation, Condi announced his Merivale hire on LinkedIn.
“In the search for the next stage of my career, I tried to find a company that excites and inspires me and continually pushes the envelope in food, beverage and experience,” Condi posted.

“There was only one company that fits that mould, a company that I have always had a keen interest in and one that we emulated, in part, in several of our offerings. That company is Merivale.”
Merivale CEO, Justin Hemmes, welcomed Condi to the group.
“We are pleased to welcome Mark Condi to our Senior Management Team at such a pivotal time of growth and interstate expansion for Merivale,” he said.
Condi, who made the approach to Merivale, said his world had changed significantly over the past few years, particularly the last three years of Covid.
“I am very proud of what we achieved in my 31 years at the club. After I left the club, it took many weeks to finally adjust to not having to get up before the kids. I still read the papers every day and am interested in what is going on in our industry, but it doesn’t quite feel so personal.
“I promised myself to enjoy the few months leading up to Christmas and then focus on my future career in early 2023. Thanks to my family and friends who continued to check in and provided so much positive support.”
Condi said he was looking forward to working with the 6000-plus team at Merivale and continuing the growth of the group’s more than 80 venues throughout Australia.