Mark Henry, the founder of Furi knives, has now created Solidteknics cookware.

For the past decade, Straight To The Source has been taking chefs to food-growing regions across Australia to discover new produce and learn about local flavours. Along the way, we have discovered some amazing stories, helped grow many businesses and introduced amazing products into hospitality.

As every chef knows, the quality of our cookware directly impacts the quality of the food we cook. In doing so, we’ve cooked in some remote places over open fires in orchards, paddocks, and other off-the-grid situations! Solidteknics’ cookware is always our go-to equipment for these occasions.

Mark Henry, the founder and creator of Solidteknics, has spent the past decades cementing his status as a true stalwart in the cookware space. But there’s much more to the story than just great cookware.

Always an entrepreneur, Henry’s first foray into business was Füritechnics (the producer of Füri Knives) which he started while still studying mechanical engineering at university. 

Fast forward to 2014 and Solidteknics was established from Henry’s vision of a new future for cookware: one where the health of people and the planet are paramount and his desire to create an alternative cookware solution to the disposable chemical-coated cookware clogging up kitchens and landfills.

Solidteknics goes beyond the singular goal of creating cutting-edge cookware (although they’ve got that well and truly covered!). Henry is a true pioneer having established the only production cookware made in Australia, creating jobs for locals and helping keep Australia’s manufacturing industry alive.

To hear Mark’s take on everything, from the importance of health, not wealth, and living sustainability and regeneratively on his farm in QLD, to supporting local industry and building a global community around cookware, listen to our chat with Henry in Episode 5 of the Straight To The Source podcast

Straight to the Source’s Lucy Allon and Tawnya Bahr are contributing a regular column to the Club Management digital newsletter.

Tawnya Bahr and Lucy Allon

Straight to the Source’s Lucy Allon and Tawnya Bahr are contributing a regular column to the Club Management digital newsletter.

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