Camden Tennis Club has been inundated for the fourth time this year.

Clubs have again stepped into the breach offering themselves as evacuation areas in NSW during this most recent flood crisis. Clubs to volunteer their spaces include Cabra-Vale Diggers, Gymea Tradies, Richmond Club and Gosford RSL Club. Castle Hill RSL, which can also accommodate animals affected by the crisis, has also put itself forward as an evacuation centre.

But several clubs have also been damaged by the downfall, marking the wettest year-to-date on record, following an exceptionally wet start to July.

Sydney’s main rain gauge at Observatory Hill just registered 148.6mm of rain during the first four days of July, which is around 1.5 months’ worth of rain at this time of year, according to Ben Domensino from Weatherzone.

This brings Sydney’s running annual total for 2022 up to 1696mm, continuing its wettest year-to-date in records dating back to 1859, he says.

This year’s cumulative rainfall up to July 4 is 127mm higher than the previous record of 1569mm from 1890. This means that 2022 to date has been comfortably wetter than any other year in recorded history for Sydney.

Unfortunately, this latest deluge has caused the third major flood event of the year in western Sydney, as water from a saturated landscape flows into already full rivers and dams.

Local MP Sue Templeman at Richmond Club which has been set up as an evacuation centre. Picture: Facebook

Flood damage has been recorded at Camden Tennis Club for the fourth time this year, and Wiseman’s Ferry Bowling Club and Cabra Leagues were forced to shut or were cut off during the deluge.

“My heart goes out to those communities that have been inundated by floodwaters yet again,” said ClubsNSW CEO Josh Landis.

“Local clubs in some of the worst affected areas are doing whatever they can to help those in need. Of the 11 official evacuation centres currently operating in NSW, eight are clubs — and no doubt more will step up if these weather conditions persist.

“I’d like to thank Cabra-Vale Diggers, Tradies Gymea, Richmond Club, Castle Hill RSL, Diggers at The Entrance, Cessnock Leagues Club, Singleton Diggers and Penrith RSL for providing shelter, food and emotional support for evacuees. When the going gets tough, clubs really demonstrate their integral role in their communities.

“From Camden Sports Club to Wisemans Ferry Bowling Club, several clubs have also been severely impacted by the floods themselves, just months after the state’s last flood emergency. ClubsNSW is in contact with these venues and will assist them in getting back on their feet as soon as possible.”

Courtesy: ClubsNSW ClubTV

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