An artist's impression of the cheaper $14m option for Sorrento Surf Club redevelopment.

Sorrento, Surf Life Saving WA’s club of the year, will get a new $14 million facility, rather than its preferred $18m version. Councillors at The City of Joondalup voted in favour of the cheaper design last week to replace the 1960-built facility which no longer meets the needs of the 2200-member club.

The State Government has committed $8m to the project with the club providing $1m, but  The City of Joondalup will pay the remainder, in addition to any cost blowout, as well as items not included in the current costings, which includes the required temporary facilities, future traffic improvements and the gym fit-out.

The $18m Option 1 comprised a clubroom and separate commercial facility “to avoid any potential conflicts of access, security and operational hours”, and the facilities would also have been bigger, with 2240sqm designated for the club premises, 482sqm for the commercial facility and 202sqm for public amenities, plus an extra 64 public car bays.

The $14m Option 3 offered 1778sqm for the club space, 369sqm of commercial space and 186sqm of public amenities, and 69 public car bays.

Although the club said it was “disappointing” it did not receive approval for the preferred option, “we were grateful that the elected members recognised the importance of this project and unanimously voted to support a new club facility to the estimated value of $14m in total, which we are greatly appreciative of”.

“We can now move forward with certainty and excitement that in due course we will have a new surf club facility,” the club said. “Moving forward the club will work with the officers of the COJ collaboratively in ensuring we can create the best facility and outcome that can be achieved for you our members and community partners.”

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