Vertek LAB (looped animated branding) digital tap decals are a very new concept to the hospitality industry. Only now are the creative and digital possibilities are being realised. Venues Australia-wide are seeing potential in Vertek animated tap decals. Promote in-house activations, incorporate QR codes to your ticketing page, increase exposure to specials or even sell 10-second advertising slots to other businesses. This brings a brand-new revenue stream to venues which has never been done before.

What was once a chaotic and static landscape with stacked-up tap talkers, now can be a lucrative and creative space for venue owners. Waiting at the bar, now you’ll see brands come to life. Patrons can take advantage of venue offers as well as be exposed to local businesses through advertising.

Vertek’s LAB digital decals are eye-catching.

As Vertek is also a digital production house, this means the animations produced are high quality and affordable. The goal being to attract the eye of the consumer, Vertek LAB digital tap decals give the bar a futuristic facelift, one that’s overdue and the benefits can be experienced by everyone. LAB digital decals bring a new dimension to the brewery artwork which has been created with passion and with a great attention to detail. Patrons can be informed of live events, food and drink specials all while they wait to be served.

Venues can increase their revenue in two different ways. The first, promoting in-house specials and events and secondly, by selling some advertising space. This is all done while keeping the brand pouring on tap featured and front of mind. This is an exciting space that venue owners are now taking advantage of and reaping the rewards.

Use Code LAB2023 to get 30% off your LAB digital animated tap decals, our best discount yet. Now is the time to jump on board.


M: 0403 892 643

