Plant-based foods are no longer just for the vegetarians and vegans amongst us. Flexitarianism is a growing trend, and Australia is the third fastest growing market in the world with 50 plus per cent of millennials trying to incorporate plant-based foods into their diet.

One of the biggest barriers to eating more plant-based foods is taste, and Plantry believe they have unlocked this with their new range of plant-based chicken style burgers, nuggets, and strips.

“We aim to make it easy to offer vegan menu options that don’t sacrifice on taste or quality.” says Marketing Manager Jessica Tahardi.

The Plantry range from Goodman Fielder makes it simple to create delicious plant-based menu options that appeal to not only vegans, but even your hard-core chicken lovers. The Plant-Based range includes Chicken-Style Burgers with a crispy Southern-style coating, Chicken-Style Nuggets and super versatile Chicken-Style Original Strips that taste great in a range of dishes such as a juicy wrap, spicy curry or a vegan pesto pasta.

Plantry have developed the range to make it as easy as possible for chefs to substitute out non-vegan products with plant-based options that are just as delicious, and when combined with their gourmet Vegan Buns, creamy Vegan Aioli or Mayonnaise, a full meal solution is both simple and cost effective.

“Our chicken-style burgers, nuggets and strips are frozen and have an 18-month shelf life, so chefs can use as little or as much as is needed with no wastage — making Plantry an easy way to trial new menu ideas and provide vegan options for new customers.”

The plant-based chicken is made with soy, and all three products are high in protein and have achieved a 4-star health rating.

“Our recipe has been perfected with a team of R&D experts who have crafted the foods to mimic the taste and texture of regular chicken.”

By choosing Plantry, Aussies are also helping plant 50,000 trees across Australia and New Zealand through a new partnership with One Tree Planted.

Planting trees is one of the best ways to combat the damaging effects of climate change and together with the One Tree Planted team, Plantry have handpicked tree planting locations across Australia and New Zealand. These locations include Threatened Species Habitat Restoration in Western Australia and Waingake Native Restoration in New Zealand.

For more information click here