Spice up your menu with a delicious BBQ prawn and chorizo crumble pizza topped off with Perfect Italiano shredded mozzarella.

Prep time: 12 minutes

Cook time: 4 minutes

Serves: 1 pizza

Tip: Base can be substituted with a gluten-free option


1 pizza dough base

50ml tomato sugo

100g Perfect Italiano shredded mozzarella

160g chorizo sausage

6 prawn tails peeled and sliced in half lenghways

Salt flakes and cracked pepper

Shredded basil leaves


  1. Slice chorizo sausage into 4cm slices, pan fry in a heated fry pan until golden brown. Allow to cool and then loosely crumble the sausage by hand
  2. Roll out pizza dough
  3. Evenly spread out tomato sugo onto base followed by Perfect Italiano shredded mozzarella.
  4. Sprinkle over crumbed chorizo
  5. Evenly distribute prawns over pizza
  6. Bake in pizza oven until base is crisp and mozzarella is golden and blistered
  7. Garnish with shredded basil and season according to taste