The old West Beach Surf Life Saving Club in Adelaide has been demolished to make way for construction of what the club says will be modern, equitable state-of-the-art $8.5m clubroom facilities.
The undertaking is the most ambitious building redevelopment in the club’s history with the substructure already underway by builder Partek, the main contractors. Most of the development is below the ground with structural piles engineered to a depth of 13m below ground level.
The new building, designed by architects Walterbrooke, will feature more storage areas, change rooms, a gym, a cafe, and a bar function area upstairs.
The beach-house-inspired look will come complete with timber panelling, large windows allowing for lots of natural light and landscaped surrounds.
“The building is designed to provide a community gathering place, that is a functional landmark for safety and recuse and is accessible by all,” Walterbrooke associate director, Carolyn Oades, said.
The project is due to be finished in August 2023, and has been funded by federal, state, and local government as well as Surf Life Saving SA.
The West Beach club was the final one to be upgraded within the City of Charles Sturt as part of the Plexus program, which outlined a development program for surf life-saving facilities in SA and was commissioned in 2002 by Surf Life Saving South Australia.