Bankstown Sports is close to amalgamating with Bankstown Golf Club and will look to build a new clubhouse, brewery, distillery and seniors living on the Milperra site if the proposed merger goes through.
“We have had a long relationship with Bankstown Golf Club and recently we entered into discussions about a formal amalgamation,” Bankstown Sports CEO Mark Condi told Club Management. “Talks are continuing and we think it’s an ideal fit between the clubs.”
In 2020, Bankstown Golf Club lodged since-unrealised plans to build a seniors complex with 149 units on-site in Milperra, including a swimming pool alongside a fairway. The Bankstown Sports CEO said it would conduct due diligence on the retirement unit plan subject to the amalgamation going through. Design and concept plans by Altis Architecture, submitted last year, can be found on the NSW Government Planning Portal.
Bankstown Sports has also promised a masterplan for the 46.844ha golf course proper and, in addition, has also committed to spend $100,000 every year on capital development of the course, starting from the fifth anniversary of amalgamation.
While ownership of the 13 EGMs will be transferred to Bankstown Sports, the golf club will retain the machines at its new clubhouse. Bankstown Sports has also committed to retaining key staff and employees.
In response to an expression of interest memo issued by ClubsNSW in January 2022, Bankstown Sports Club commenced discussions with Bankstown Golf Club Ltd. On 28 January 2022, the Golf Club lodged an expression of interest in amalgamating with Bankstown Sports.
Since February 2022, the Sports Club and the Golf Club have been in extensive negotiations regarding amalgamation, which both clubs now propose to progress. The boards of both clubs have now agreed to commercial terms which have been incorporated in a Memorandum of Understanding which has revealed the transformation plans.
Established in 1928, Bankstown Golf Club is expected to put the amalgamation plan to members at a general meeting on August 23, according to the MOU.
The MOU proposes that after amalgamation, Bankstown Golf Club calls a general meeting to wind up the club to enable it to become additional licensed premises of Bankstown Sports which will support the golf club for 20 years.
Bankstown Sports already has under its umbrella Birrong Sports, Auburn Tennis Club, Baulkham Hill Sports, Bankstown City Bowling Club and The Acres Club in Greenacre.