Clubs are being asked to sign up for Snores for a Cause to help veterans.

The Veterans Benevolent Fund, the charitable arm of the RSL & Services Clubs Association, is launching its inaugural fundraising month Snores for a Cause, to create awareness for veteran wellbeing.

Snores for a Cause is an opportunity to support veteran wellbeing but also for self-improvement. It’s an initiative that’s accessible to all age groups and our hope is that participants see some positive changes in their lives.

Margot Smith, Company Secretary of the VBF and CEO of the RSL & Services Clubs Association, said veterans’ welfare was core to the purpose of RSL and Services Clubs. 

“Snores for a Cause is an opportunity to help veterans in need but also for self-improvement. It’s an initiative that’s accessible to all age groups and my hope is that participants see some positive changes in their lives,” Smith said.

“Fundraise as individuals or fundraise as a group and all you have to do is sleep – no training required for this challenge!”

Healthy sleep habits is an area that isn’t discussed enough in health and wellbeing circles but is gaining traction with inadequate sleep estimated to cost the economy $66.1 billion in lost productivity and health costs.

Throughout March, Aussies are set to be challenged to become super sleepers, by adopting better sleeping habits for their own wellbeing and to raise money for veterans’ charities.

The concept is to put a spotlight on veteran wellbeing, by asking participants to log at least eight hours a night of sleep during the month of March.

CEO of veterans mental health charity Swiss 8 and Snores for Cause Ambassador, Adrian Sutter, said getting a solid night’s sleep is the highest priority for many veterans striving to improve their routine and structure after service. 

“Sleep is the foundation on which all other healthy habits are built. Without good sleep, we cannot regulate our mood and this quickly leads to failure in fitness, diet and other wellbeing habits. When any of us want to build a healthy routine, sleep must come first,” he said.

“Snores for a Cause challenges us all to have a crack at improving our sleep habits, while raising money for a worthwhile cause”.

Clubs are being asked to form their own group to help the cause. 

Visit to join the challenge.

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